Neuroscience and the Law
March 2-3, 2011
Irvine, California
Wednesday, March 2
Video Available
Welcome and Introduction
Larry Squire, National Academy of Sciences
Lorna Casselton, The Royal Society
Keynote Address
Judge William Fletcher, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
Overview of Neuroscience and The Law
Hank Greely, Stanford University
Neuroscience in Court
Susan Wolf, University of Minnesota Law School
Panel One: Mind Reading (to include lie detection, pain, and false memory)
Daniel Schacter, Harvard University
Anthony Wagner, Stanford University
Steven Laken, Cephos Corp.
Irene Tracey, Oxford University
Panel Two: Biology of Moral Reasoning and Psychopathy
Nicholas Mackintosh, University of Cambridge
Kent Kiehl, University of New Mexico
Michael Caldwell, University of Wisconsin
Owen Jones, Vanderbilt University & MacArthur Foundation Law and Neuroscience Project
Panel Three: Criminal Responsibility and Sentencing
Judge Gerald Lynch, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Stephen Morse, University of Pennsylvania Law School
Adrian Raine, University of Pennsylvania
Read Montague, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute
Nikolas Rose, London School of Economics and Political Science
Thursday, March 3
Panel Four: The Developing Brain
Geraint Rees, University College London
BJ Casey, Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Laurence Steinberg, Temple University
Eamon McCrory, University College London
Final Thoughts: Roundtable of Judges, Lawyers, and Neuroscientists
Judge Jed Rakoff, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York
Judge Morris Hoffman, Second Judicial District, State of Colorado
Geraint Rees, University College London
Joanna Glynn, One Crown Office Row 4
Lord Justice Anthony Hughes, Her Majesty's Court Service
Frederick Schauer, University of Virginia School of Law
Barry Scheck, The Innocence Project
This website contains both edited and unedited video of presentations made by forum participants. It is not an official report of the National Academy of Sciences. Opinions and statements included in this material are solely those of the individual authors. They have not been verified as accurate, nor do they necessarily represent the views of other forum participants, the forum planning group, or the National Academy of Sciences.