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VIDEO: A Genetic Mechanism Underlying a Form of Autism/Intellectual Disability and Insight Into a Potential Treatment

John Rubenstein, University of California, San Francisco, discussed funderstanding developmental mechanisms that cause neurodevelopmental disorders.

VIDEO: Flourishing Together: Rethinking Well-Being (and Technology) in the Loneliness Epidemic

Xuan Zhao, Stanford University, discussed fresh perspectives and actionable insights for navigating the complexities of the loneliness epidemic in a hyperconnected society.


Achieving sustainable productivity in agriculture through beneficial microbial associations

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Prof. Giles E. D. Oldroyd, discusses how plants associate with beneficial microorganisms to facilitate productivity.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Wednesday,January 31, 2024

Melanie Mitchell, Santa Fe Institute, will demystify how current-day AI works, and how “intelligent” it really is.

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