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Advancing Agriculture: How can crop science
and technology contribute to feeding nine billion people?

December 14-15, 2009
The Royal Society, London

December 14, 2009

Welcome and Introduction

Chair: Professor Lorna Casselton FRS, Foreign Secretary, The Royal Society

Challenges for global agriculture

Professor David Baulcombe FRS, University of Cambridge
Reaping the Benefits: science and the sustainable intensification of global agriculture

Dr. Julia L. Kornegay, North Carolina State University
21st century systems agriculture report

Professor John Beddington FRS, Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government
Food security for the 21st century

Professor David Tilman, University of Minnesota
Global perspective on food security

Panel discussion


Crop improvement and crop management

Professor Jonathan Jones FRS, The Sainsbury Laboratory
Advances in disease resistance, including molecular basis for virulence and defence in host-pathogen interactions

Dr. David Weller, USDA-ARS, Washington State University
Rhizosphere biology and disease suppressive soils

Professor Graham Moore, John Innes Centre
Genetic improvement of wheat, including the isolation of the Ph1 locus and introgression of traits from alien species


Professor Jonathan Napier, Rothamsted Research
Nutritional enhancement in crop plants, including fatty acid biosynthesis in plants for the nutrition of people and fish

Professor Jules Pretty OBE, University of Essex

Dr. Sara Scherr, Ecoagriculture Partners
Managing biodiversity in agricultural ecosystems


December 15, 2009

Crop improvement and crop management (continued)

Dr. John Reganold, Washington State University
No-till agriculture

Professor Neil Baker, University of Essex
Efficiency of photosynthesis in crop plants, including manipulation of the light and dark reactions

Dr. Robert Zeigler, International Rice Research Institute
Yield plateau for rice

Dr. Les Szabo, USDA/ARS at University of Minnesota
How rusts overcome wheat genetic resistance: implication for UG99

Professor John Pickett FRS, Rothamsted Research
Integrated pest management, including push pull control of striga and stem borer

Professor Michael Timko, University of Virginia
Cowpea resistance to witchweed (Striga)



Professor James Birchler, University of Missouri
Using mini-chromosomes to stack agronomic traits in maize

Dr. Ed Buckler, USDA/ARS at Cornell University
New knowledge for trait improvement in maize


Science and policy in the public and private sectors

Dr. David Lawrence, former Head of Global Research and Development, Syngenta
Industry perspective

Sir Gordon Conway FRS, Imperial College London
(Former Chief Scientific Adviser of the Department for International Development)

Dr. Kathy Kahn, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation


Closing remarks


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